Friday, April 9, 2010

Blog Post 100!!!!!!!!!

Me and the family, our Easter photo

I did it! I actually managed to write 100 blog posts in the past 15 months! It has been a fun adventure, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon.

Blogging has been a fascinating experience for me. I have never been much of a diary writer or journaler. In fact, I really hated all of the forced journaling that I was required to do in college. So I wasn't too sure how blogging was going to go for me.

Well, it turns out it has been pretty good. This gives me an outlet to share what is on my mind, repost things that are interesting to me, and reflect on what is going on in my life and the world. I am a little curious why blogging has gone better than my attempts at writing in a journal or diary in the past. If I am going to be totally honest with myself, it probably has a little something to do with narcissism. I am posting in a public forum, a few people read what I write and they sometimes even comment on it.

I think I lead a pretty interesting life with my work and Healing Waters, my work at Wellshire Presbyterian Church and my amazing family. I enjoy sharing parts of my life with the world, back to the narcissism, perhaps it is a little bit of bragging?

Anyhow, I just thought it would be fun to share this milestone with everyone out there. I hope to keep on blogging for a long time. I have some interesting and exciting news to be sharing in the next couple of weeks that will probably have a long-term impact on the nature of my blog posts. So I guess you will all just have to stay tuned!

Finally, thank you to my loyal readers. Like I mentioned above, knowing that you are reading is at least part of what has motivated me to keep blogging. I especially appreciate comments and feedback, so keep that coming too. A shout out to all my brothers and sisters in the blogosphere. Keep writing my friends, I love to read about your lives too!

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